[Avodah] What would a Torah government look like

Dr. Josh Backon backon at vms.huji.ac.il
Sun Jan 27 07:10:27 PST 2008

>I agree with your concept of separation of powers but who says David was a
>Why would he be a GREATETR Navi than Nassan.
>Writing Kessuvim is in no way a raya that he was a navi at all
>And FWIWavid was rebuked by Gad as well as by  Nassam

Both Rashi (on gemara in Megillah 14a d"h "nevi'im" quoting the BEHAG according
to Seder Olam) and the GRA (peyrush on Seder Olam) indicate that David HaMelech
was one of the nevi'im  [one of 48 according to Rashi; one of 76 
according to the GRA].


Josh (going back to lurking mode)

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