[Avodah] What would a Torah government look like

Ben Waxman ben1456 at smile.net.il
Thu Jan 24 20:10:10 PST 2008

>From: "Shmuel Weidberg
>I think when everybody becomes frum and learns all day, then the
>yissachar zevulun relationship will become they Yaakov Esav
>relationship as it was supposed to be. Eisav will work and support
>Yaakov so that all of klal yisroel can learn torah.

Possibly, but the above is not above what a Torah government would 
look like, but some sort of post-Messianic scenario. And even as a 
post-Messianic scenario, it is certainly not clear that all of us 
will be in yeshiva all day long. From the Rambam it is clear that 
this scenario will not NOT the case.


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