[Avodah] Fasting on YK

Ben Waxman ben1456 at smile.net.il
Thu Jan 3 03:03:11 PST 2008

>Rav Daniel Israel wrote:
>Without minimizing the importance of any of the issues you raise, I
>think there is another factor is strongly affecting the medical
>advice that is being given.  . . .
>but mostly, IMHO, driven by malpractice costs.  If I were an
>obstetrician, I would tell my patients not to fast, regardless of
>the metzius, simply because if there is any evidence of any level
>of risk, and something bad happened during the fast, I might get

I think that this factor is truer in the US than in Israel. AFAIK 
doctors here are not subject to constant law suits, certainly not 
nearly at the level of their American colleagues.



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