[Avodah] Mitzvot That A Non-Jew Cannot Do

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Tue Jan 1 06:39:12 PST 2008

> Long story short, the question arose "Why can't non-Jews keep Shabbat?"
Chasam Sofer says that a non-Jew who is not an idolator can in fact keep 
Shabbos. Also look at Igros Moshe Y.D. 2:7 and  O.H. 5:18 page 46. See 
also the Biur Halacha 304:24 concerning the Magen Avraham who permits a 
ger toshav to observe Shabbos.

*Chasam Sofer[1] <#_ftn1>(Chullin 33a): *Look at the Rambam(Hilchos 
Melachim 10:9-10) in which he appears to distinguish between non-Jews 
who are idolators and those who are Bnai Noach who have accepted on 
themselves not be idolators. Bnai Noach are allowed to keep Shabbos and 
to fullfill whatever other mitzvos they wish. Therefore we can accept 
their sacrifices and teach them Torah and accept tzedaka from them. 
Consequently there is no difficulty presented by the gemora which says 
that a non‑Jew who keeps Shabbos - since a non‑Jew who is not an 
idolator is in fact allowed to keep Shabbos. This also resolves the 
gemora’s question as to why it is not considered part of the Seven 
Mitzvos. I think that the Rambam  is relying on Nedarim (31a) for his 
psak which seems to indicate that these halachos are not in fact 
prohibited for non‑Jews. Thus the halacha follows this view expressed in 
Nedarim rather than the view expressed in Sanhedrin because Nedarim was 
composed later than the other tractates.**


[1] <#_ftnref1>  חתם סופר (חולין לג.): ועיין רמב"ם (הלכות מלכים י:ט-ט), 
שנראה שמחלק בין עכו"ם לבן נח שאותו קיבל עליו שלא לעע"ז וזה מותר לשבות 
ולקיים המצות שירצה ומזה מקבלים קרבנות ומלמדים לו תורה ומקבלים ממנו צדקה, 
והשתא לק"מ מגוי ששבת מי איכא מידי דהרי גם גוי אם אינו עע"ז מותר לשבות. 
ומיושב ק' ש"ס ולחשביה בהדי ז' מצות. ונ"ל רמב"ם סמוך אש"ס נדרים (לא.) 
עושים ואינם מצווים משמע גם אינם אסורים והלכה כסתם דנדרים דהוא בתרא טפי 
מסתם ש"ס דשארי מסכתות שהוא חיבור מאוחר:

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