[Avodah] living together

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 02:54:48 PDT 2008

Whilst looking into this, I noticed that the Pischei Teshuva EH 62:9 writes
beshem the Nodah Beyehuda "..be'inyan noef shenoso be'uloso ein mevorchin
sheva brochos ele yom echad.."- as his Simcha is far less that in case of a
bachur ubesula.
So BTs who after living together (in their previous life) and now get
married. If one makes 7Bs for a week is it a brocho levatolo?>>

There are also problems with the ketuva. The standard procedure in the Israeli
rabbanut is not to ask questions. I have no ideea what is done when
they volunteer
information unasked. Perhaps they are not asked.

Eli Turkel

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