[Avodah] Skipping Korbanos

Dov Kay dov_kay at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Mar 26 14:18:04 PDT 2008

RSBA wrote:  <<Which reminds me something I once heard about a bit of a tummel which tookplace in a BHMD in BP, when the "chassidish" BT skipped Tachanun.A "yeshivish" mispallel got quite upset, but the BT replied 'and what aboutyou "Litvaks"'? 'How come your regularly skip saying "korbonos"'?Is this correct? And if so, what indeed, is the reason for this?>>
Much of "korbanos" in modern siddurim was a later additions my mekubbalim, eg pitum haketores.  Straight minhag Ashkenaz just says parashas haTamid, eizeihu mekoman and R. Yishmael (the minimal mikra, mishna and talmud following immediately after birchos haTorah, which are recited after birchos hashachar).  So a Litvak or Yekke who restricts himself to these sections is not skipping korbanos.  However, I have been in Hungarian shuls where the shatz is expected to say everything printed in the siddur, including the akedah.  I believe Sephardim to do the same.
That being said, RSBA will be aware that the Lakewood Kollel in Melbourne officially skips all of the korbanos and goes to straight to R. Yishmael after b'rochos.  One of the avreichim there once told me that he had looked far and wide for a source for this, but couldn't.  I can only guess that they reckoned that the avreichim don't need their mikra, misha, talmud dosage then, because they will be learning all day in any event (cf Lakewood not saying chazaras hashatz for mincha).  However, given that it goes against the words of the Shulchan Aruch, this is quite surprising.  
Does anyone know what they do Lakewood?
Kol tuv
Dov Kay
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