[Avodah] Zayin Adar

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 21:31:57 PST 2008

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 1:00 PM, <T613K at aol.com> wrote:

>   From: "Richard Wolpoe" rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
> >>The reason I reject a literal 24-hour day for the first 6 days is that
> by the
> Torah's OWN account the Sun/Moon/Stars/Plents [iow our clanedrical
> system!]
> was not created until day 4. <<
> >>>>>
> I don't believe in literal 24-hour days for the first six days either, but
> I must point out that what you say is lav davka.

> It's possible that until Day 4 the atmosphere was so thick and soupy that
> the sun and the moon were completely obscured, and they only became visible
> on the fourth day (or /would/ have been visible if there had been anyone
> there to see them) when the atmosphere cleared enough to let the sun shine
> down onto the surface of the planet.  Rashi says the sun and the moon and
> everything else were created on the first day and only put in place on their
> respective days of creation.  The sun being put in the sky on Day 4 could
> theoretically mean it only became visible in the sky on that day.
> *--Toby Katz
> =============
> *

True but this is not a literal read either.   Remember it COULD be red that
the first 3 days were a matter of secondes just as much as they could be
eons.  The point is the text TELLS us that the luminaries were created to
MARK TIME. Therefore the first 3 days must be seen from a literary
standpoint as  A-temp[oral [non-temporal?] in OUR method of time

IOW if you read the text w/op BOTH Rashi and w/o any knowledge of Science -
there would be little reason to pre-suppose a 24-hour day for the first 3

Add to that that Seder Olm is based NOT upon Creation but upon Adam
Harishon's life -span and then we have a different peshat in 5768.

Here is a drasha to justify  my redundancy

Q: How is the first chapter of Breishis different than the entire remainder
of Tanach?
A: ALL of Tanach deals with essentially one subject: the relationship
between the Divine nad the human.  Most ofBreishis one is merfely an account
of creation with barely any Divine-Human inter-action [excpetoin the bracha
given by HKBH to Humans]

And MOST of that remainder is the relationshipmore specifically between
Israel and G-d, but  Breishis/Noah plus Iyyov are exceptions.

Kol Tuv / Best Regards,
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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