[Avodah] [Areivim] Zayin adar

Moshe Feldman moshe.feldman at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 02:04:42 PST 2008

On Feb 15, 2008 6:54 PM, Michael Feldstein <mike38ct at aol.com> wrote on Areivim:
>  Quick question for the Areivim chevra...when there are two Adar months,
> when do people mark Zayin Adar and honor Chevra members?  Adar Rishon or
> Sheini?

Rav Shlomo Levy (RK of Yeshivat Har Etzion) says that it depends on
the question: when there is a leap year, is Adar I considered an extra
month and the real Adar is Adar II, or is Adar II the extra month
(kind of like pre-Nissan).  This depends on how one understands Mishna
Megillah 1:4 "ein bain adar rishon l'adar sheini ela kriyas
ha'megillah u'matanos la'evyonim"--does this mean that one could
fulfill seudas purim on Adar I?

Kol tuv,

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