[Avodah] Hot Cheese for Shabbat Lunch

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Thu Feb 14 12:39:39 PST 2008

From: Zev Sero _zev at sero.name_ (mailto:zev at sero.name) 

>>There's no mitzvah  of simcha on Shabbos.  There's only oneg, and it
seems obvious that that  depends entirely on ones subjective tastes,
including transient moods.   If one happens right now to be in the mood
for mac-and-cheese, I can't see  why that wouldn't be a complete
fulfilment of mitzvas  oneg.<<

Zev  Sero               

The halachic question of heating mac-n-cheese on  Shabbos I leave to others.  
If you make kiddush when you get home from shul  and have a cup of coffee, 
and if you want mac-n-cheese with your coffee instead  of a Danish, that's your 
preference and your oneg.  (Incomprehensible  preference to me but never mind.)
However I want to make a different point.  There is an issue of  kovod 
Shabbos.  Unless you are a vegetarian and /never/ eat fleishigs, it  shows a lack of 
kovod Shabbos to eat milchigs for Shabbos lunch.  /Maybe/  you could get away 
with something very chashuv -- salmon and brie? -- but really  it should be 
basar vedagim vechol mat'amim.  I say this as a person who  prefers milchigs 
and comes from a milchig kind of family.  But never would  we have had a milchig 
meal on Shabbos (well, sholosh seudos OK).  It  would have been considered 
distinctly not-Shabbosdig, like wearing a  T-shirt and denim.  We could easily 
go a whole week without eating  fleishigs, but Shabbos meals must be fleishig.  
We were once guests of people who served milchigs for a yom tov lunch  (not 
Shavuos) -- much to our surprise.  I would have been much too shy to  say 
anything, but my husband asked the hostess if she had a piece of cold  chicken in 
the fridge or something else fleishig he could eat.
Ever since then when we get invited out for a meal, my  husband always tells 
me to make sure they're serving fleishigs.

--Toby  Katz

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