[Avodah] Kol Yisrael Areivim...

Richard Wolberg cantorwolberg at cox.net
Sun Feb 3 14:29:32 PST 2008

Whether it's "zeh lazeh," "zeh bazeh", "zeh mizeh", or "zeh  
ayzeh" (sounds like a new niggun), the bottom line is we're still  
responsible. Too much theory can cloud practice.
The old moshol commonly given is the hole in the boat. If we're on the  
boat together and you drill a hole on your side, we'll drown together.  
Since responsibility goes just so
far, I may be unable to prevent someone from drilling the hole. So I  
submit the "responsibility" extends to providing a life jacket for  
each other and the dikduk of the saying
won't increase or decrease our responsibility.


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