[Avodah] Kashrut of Cloning

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sun Jan 6 09:45:42 PST 2008

Liron Kopinsky wrote:
> http://www.foodqualitynews.com/news/ng.asp?id=13575-fda-declares-cloning
> A few questions to think about:
> 1) Are cloned animals kosher at all?

Why on earth not?

> 2) If kosher, are they still considered meat?

Again, why not?  What svara would suggest otherwise?

> 2b) does it matter if they were "born" from a test tube or by implanting
> them into a uterus?

Ma inyan shmita etzel har sinai?  What possible connection could there
be between uterine replicators and cloning?  When such technology is
developed, whatever shaylos it brings will surely apply equally to any
animal or person gestated in it, regardless of whether it/he was cloned.

In any case, so far there is no such thing as a uterine replicator.
We're not even close to such a thing.  When such technology is developed,
I still don't see why it should affect anything.

> 3) If they aren't kosher, will Chalav Yisroel become an absolute Chiyuv
> in America again?

Since I see no possible reason for the premise, the conclusion doesn't

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                       	                          - Clarence Thomas

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