[Avodah] Yishuv Eretz Yisrael

Doron Beckerman beck072 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 22:25:05 PST 2008

On Areivim, R' Moshe Feldman wrote:

>> Our gedolim have
taken the position, based on gemaras, that once we have returned from
the second galus, we have a promise from Hashem that klal yisrael in
EY will survive.  Therefore, we can be certain that there is no risk
at all of the Jewish people in EY surviving. <<

This is not clear cut. We have no guarantee that this is the true Kibbutz
Galuyos which is immune to destruction. RSRH writes in a number of places
that any human attempt at a mass return of Klal Yisrael to its Land was,
similar to the Bar Kokhba revolt, potentially disastrous. And he held that
even a mass return of Jews to EY was no guarantee against losing this

While on the general topic, I just wanted to point out a few things (feel
free to transfer to Avodah):
1) Kol Bo (127) quotes the Maharam Rottenburg: "... As long as he will
abstain from now on and be careful of all types of sin and fulfill all the
Mitzvos HaTeluyos BaAretz, because of he sins his punishment will be worse
than in Chu"l, because HaShem constantly seeks the Land... and one who
rebels in the palace is not the same as one who rebels outside of it, and it
is a Land which consumes its inhabitants.. for it ejects sinners."

(I think this may relate to the first point - if there is no concern about
the Land spitting us out again, there might be less concern for sinners
causing us to lose EY. And if there is concern, etc...)

2) RMF is not the first one to hold that Yishuv EY is a Mitzvah Kiyumis.
Others held this as well, namely:
Shu"t Maharitatz (1:85)
Shu"t HaElef L'cha Shlomo 118
Shu"t Rashbash (3) and Shlah (Shaar HaOsiyos 100, Kdushah) say "Raui
L'Hishtadel BaAliyatah"

Also basically agreeing with RMF are:
 Moadim Uzmanim (you don't have to leave your country to get a Lulav either)
Tzitz Eliezer (14:72:(7)) quoting R' Shmuel Salant and agreeing with him
Toras Zeraim (preface)

I again want to emphasize that I am NOT discouraging people from moving to
EY - it is the will of Hashem for those who can do so to do so - I am just
putting some Halachic perspective on it.
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