[Avodah] Chalav Hacompanie, again

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Thu Sep 14 14:24:07 PDT 2006

On Areivim, Danny Schoemann wrote:

> In Europe and Israel too, it's not uncommon for milk to come for lots
> of little farms...
> So you never know how much kangaroo milk this mashgiach was ingesting... :-)

See the third teshuva in the series in Igrot Moshe (YD1).  IMHO if
its thesis is upheld, then it renders unnecessary the first two.
He explicitly extends the heter to milk that the large company buys
from small farms.

Though he doesn't say so, I can't think of a reason why the same
logic wouldn't extend it to any milk bought in a sealed carton or
bottle from a goyishe grocery, or even from a Jewish grocery if the
grocery bought it from a goyishe distributor, who in turn bought it
from the dairy already sealed.

*ALL* of this, however, is premised on the assumption that there is
no chance that more than 1/60 of the product is actual chalev teme'ah.
In a country where that can't be assumed, the gezera against chalav
akum doesn't even come into play; instead it's a safek deoraita, and
there was no need for Chazal to make any gezera.

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                       	                          - Clarence Thomas

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