[Avodah] Interesting CS - 'positive spin'/consolation re Monsey story

SBA sba at sba2.com
Mon Sep 11 06:58:39 PDT 2006

I have been waiting for one of our rabbonim/gedolim to come up with 
something to help those shocked and traumatised Monsey Jews who were 
nichshal with nevelos to feel a tiny bit better about themselves.

Tonight someone showed me a piece in Droshos Chasam Sofer - for Shabbos 
Shuva, (apparantly mentioned on Shabbos by the Satmar Rebbe -Reb Aharon), 
about doing teshuva me'ahavah and zedonos naasu zechuyos.
The CS brings as an example that for such a Baal Teshuva, every piece of 
neveileh he previously consumed now becomes like a piece of Korban Pesach !

(Presumably in the Monsey case, where it was definitely not a case of 
zedonos, al achas kamo vekamo..)


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