[Avodah] AishDas Pre-Slichos Shabbaton: NEXT WEEK, in Flatbush.

Jonathan Baker jjbaker at panix.com
Sat Sep 9 18:08:36 PDT 2006

Please respond soon.  We'd like AishDas to be more than just a bunch
of disconnected people in cyberspace.  Come meet fellow AishDasniks,
and get a bit of chizuk just before Slichos.  Participate in discussions
with Rabbi and Dr. Bechhofer, and R' Micha Berger, as well as our own
R' Moshe Sokol and R' Gil Student.

We have half a dozen people ready to host you.

At least come for the melave malka, or if you're already in the area,
the daytime programs.  Morning program after kiddush, about 11:15,
afternoon program before mincha, about 5:00, Melave Malka 9:30 after

Contact Jonathan Baker as soon as possible:
  jjbaker at panix.com
  718 376 5402.


     AishDas Society and Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush present a Shabbaton:

                         Teshuvah:  Returning Home

            September 15-16, 2006, at the Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush
            1277 East 14th St, Brooklyn, NY - in the Shulamith School

Featuring:            R' Moshe Sokol R' Micha Berger
     R' Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer R'n Shoshannah Bechhofer R' Gil Student 

  Friday night: how does the yahrzeit of 9/11 affect life changes?
    after kiddush: Hating one's peers vs. repenting and forgiving hir:
    before mincha: Keeping God before us in this world
    melave malka:  Teshuvah From Love: transforming sins into merits.

Prices: Full program $65; Melave Malka $25; children under 12/13 dinner $15.


For a printable response form, see http://www.panix.com/~jjbaker/ymfad66.pdf
Note: legal size paper.  You can print it reduced, and send it back.



     the strength to acknowledge wrongs......the wisdom to reqret the past
the honesty of true, full confession ....................... the will to change
          burning with a passion for Gd, His Torah, and all of Israel

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