[Avodah] RYBS and chazakah tav l'meitav

Moshe Feldman moshe.feldman at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 02:13:26 PDT 2006

R. Rakeffet has a lecture entitled "the Rav and R. Rackman"
(http://www.yutorah.org/showShiur.cfm?shiurID=709654). Soon after the
Rav said that chazakah tav l'meitav tan du m'lmeitav armelu is eternal,
R. Rakeffet asked RALichtenstein that R. Shmuel Glasner in his work Tel
Talpiyot (published in Hungary at the end of the 19th cent.) as well as
RMFeinstein say that the chazakah ein adam oseh be'ilaso be'ilas znus
no longer applies today.

RAL answered (27:40 on the MP3) that not all chazakos of chazal are
eternal and that RYBS spoke merely about this sort of chazakah, which
describes how Hashem created women (i.e., it is ontological). R.
Rackman had argued that the modern woman doesn't need her husband's
material support and feels that she can live w/o him. RYBS believed that
every woman has the internal need to be married (R. Rakeffet emphasized
this in the case of a woman whose biological clock is running out, though
AIUI the chazakah is applied even to woman who already had children).

Kol tuv,

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