[Avodah] me-rakdim

SBA sba at sba2.com
Mon Aug 28 07:15:36 PDT 2006

From: "Eli Turkel" <>
I recently saw R. Leff at a wedding and asked him to translate
"kezad merakdim lefnei hakallah". He insisted that merakdim means
to dance. As to Rashi and the answers he interpreted that as "body 
language" so that the dancing implied or included some attitudes.

In reply to the question of "Keitzad merakdin'', the gemara 
brings machlokes BH and BS ie, 'kallah na'eh vechasida' and 
'kalla kemos shehi'.

How do we understand this, if the question was simply talking 
about body and language and dancing?


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