[Mesorah] V'kamu n'dareha

Art Werschulz agw at comcast.net
Wed Jul 14 03:40:56 PDT 2021

On 14 Jul 2021, at 13:15, Akiva Miller via Mesorah <mesorah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:

> But as I heard it in two different minyanim this past Shabbos, that trop seems totally ignored, and the pesukim are doubled up:
> And they traveled from A and camped at B [esnachta] and they traveled from B and camped at C. [sof pasuk]
> And they traveled from C and camped at D [esnachta] and they traveled from D and camped at E. [sof pasuk]
> How can this be done? And by "how", I mean "how" is it okay to disregard the trop in this manner.

I don’t know a halakhic answer to this one.  However, this variant is found in both Binder and Jacobson.  I was surprised that the minyan I attended did *not* lein it in this fashion, but in the normal manner.

> We have many different sets of how to sing the various notes: for the Torah, Haftara, Megilos, and so on. Although the exact sound of a given note varies, their *meanings* are consistent - this one is a major break, that one is a connector, and so on. (I believe the same is true for Az Yashir; it is sung rather than read, but the trop is not distorted much, if at all).

In several places, I have heard shirat ha-yam (within p’suqei d’zimra) sung to a western Sefardic tune.  Due to the varying verse lengths, this tune sometimes blends verses together.  I’ve also heard shirat ha-yam leined (on shabbat b’shallah) to a Turkish melody that does the same thing.  Go figure.

Art Werschulz
agw at comcast.net
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