[Mesorah] a note about L'shon Chazal

Mandel, Seth mandels at ou.org
Wed Apr 1 06:40:14 PDT 2020

As most people realize who learn the Mishna, the words used in L'shon Chazal very often have shifted their meaning from Biblical Hebrew.  The classic example are the Biblical words q-n-h and l-q-ch.  In the Bible they mean  "buy" and "take." respectively.  In L'shon Chazal, the former is not used except to refer to HQBH as the Owner of the world, and the latter means "buy."  For the meaning "take" the root n-t,-l is used.
Another example is rife in the parashiyos about the Mishkan: "to light candles." In L'shon Chazal, the hif‘il of the root d-l-q is used: l'hadliq ner.  That is NEVER used in the T'Nakh.  The most common word is the hif‘il of ‘-l-h. as in l'ha‘alos ner. That verb has shifted its meaning, and  so l'hadliq is used (which is also the Aramaic word used by Onqulos).  d-l-q in Biblical Hebrew means either "to catch up with" or a conflagration, but it not used for candles.
As is standard, the b'rokhos are in L'shon Chazal.  Just as we say "Leshev baSukka" and not "lashevet," we say "l'hadliq ner."

Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel
Rabbinic Coordinator
The Orthodox Union

Voice and Fax (212) 613-8330        e-mail mandels at ou.org

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