[Mesorah] KEAN, NA, VE'ATA

Aharon Gal galsaba at aol.com
Mon Nov 11 05:36:00 PST 2019

I want to have a better understanding about the words NA and ATA in Hebrew, 
Seems to me that NA is not just “now” or just “please”.  
As for the word ATA, and more “VE’ATA”, based on the pesukim, it sounds in many places as “therefore”, rather than “now”.

In Vayera “IM NA MATZATI CHEN”, Unkelos translates NA as “Kean”.  “Kean” is known as “now”, but does really Unkelos mean “now”? i am not sure if “kean” is always “now”, and if it is “now” in this pasuk.  

Also I curious to know why Yonatan Ben Uziel translates NA in this pasuk as “bevau” and “kadun”.  This shows me that NA is not exactly “please” and not exactly “now”.

I am aware what Rashi says about the word NA, and what the Ibn Ezra says, but their perushim not always work when I try to replace NA with what their explanation.

On the pasuk “Erda Na ve’er’e ha’ke’tza’a’tah,”, it is hard for me to accept that here NA is “Please”, but also I am not sure that it means “now” .  I don’t see why the adverb “now” is needed here.

I am sure people wrote about the word “NA”. I am interested to know what your opinion on this word. More than this, I would like to know what “Kean” is. Seems to me that it is more than “now.


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