[Mesorah] "pausal forms"

Mandel, Seth via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Apr 30 14:32:12 PDT 2017

the word Atta is a completely different subject, and more complicated, and I am not going to comment on it now.

As far as "pausal," as I carefully explained that there is NO rule that can tell you when the form should be used (prescriptively).  One can describe all the cases as "pausal," but that does not help, because there  is no definition of "pausal" that would cover all the cases and only these cases.

Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel
Rabbinic Coordinator
The Orthodox Union

Voice (212) 613-8330     Fax (212) 613-0718     e-mail mandels at ou.org

From: Richard Wolpoe <rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2017 4:16 PM
To: Mandel, Seth; sholom at aishdas.org; mesorah at aishdas.org
Cc: debbyhowarth at aol.com; lorilinzer at yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [Mesorah] "pausal forms"

"So perhaps a more accurate way of describing the situation is that some nouns and verbs appear in two forms.  One form is almost always used at the end of a pasuq and in the middle with an etnahta, but is also used in other places where the traditional reading (the Masorah) indicates the end of a clause,"

So are pausal forms indeedconforming to some kind of rule (prescriptive) even when they appear EG on a Tipchah?

Or are pausal forms sometimes pausal, but not necessarily so?

‎And can it be that sometimes Pauses do not trigger pausal forms?

EG Attah (you singular) seems to come in 3 flavors I know

1. atToH mil'ra
2. AT‎toh mi"'eil (EG hachi ochi ATtah, R'uven b'chori ATtah)
3. O'toh‎ - 2 kamatz's.  (not sure if in Tanach)
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