[Mesorah] Mishkan dikduk question

Dov Kramer via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Feb 15 07:53:24 PST 2016

I posed this question to Rabbi Berger, who shared some thoughts, but suggested I pose the question to the group, so....

Looking at the four times in Terumah it mentions Moshe being shown things on the mountain (25:40, 26:30 & 27:8). It seems that the first two are either present or future tense, and the other two are past tense, although I'm not sure why they are phrased differently.

First is in present or future because it was an introductory statement, so Moshe was either being shown it as he was receiving the commandments or would be shown to him shortly afterwards. The second is in present or future tense because Moshe was having a hard time understanding the Menorah. Rashi says 3rd is in past because by the time it would be done it would have been in the past, but that doesn't explain the fourth being in the past. 

Any thoughts? 


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