[Mesorah] FW: Lamed in haleviyim

Mandel, Seth via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue May 20 05:22:07 PDT 2014

As is my wont, I am adding my ½¢ (ha’penny, for those whose computers don’t recognize symbols), to RDB’s accurate comment:
Some forms have a dagesh in some locations, some do not.  Even forms without a dagesh may have a sh’wa na‘, as in ham’khasseh shamayim b‘avim in T’hillim 147:8: the mem has a hataph in the Keter, indicating that it is a sh’wa na‘.
However, some forms always have a dagesh and others never have a dagesh.  Halwiyyim (after all, the yod DOES have a dagesh chazaq) never has a dagesh in the lamed.  More than that, it never appears with a ge‘ayah underneath the lamed in the Keter and Leningrad (only in later printings), nor does it ever appear with a hataph vowel in the Keter and Leningrad.  That seems to indicate with as much certainty as we can ever have that the sh’wa under the lamed is nah, as RDB indicated.

Seth Mandel

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From: Mesorah [mailto:mesorah-bounces at lists.aishdas.org] On Behalf Of D&E-H Bannett via Mesorah
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 6:05 AM
To: R Davidovich
Cc: mesorah at lists.aishdas.org<mailto:mesorah at lists.aishdas.org>
Subject: Re: [Mesorah] Lamed in haleviyim

Re: <<Why does the lamed in the word haleviyim not have a dageish?>>

Perhaps because the word is not haleviyim but halviyim.

BTW, in the Keter and the accurate manuscripts there is also no meteg in the hei.

The absence of a dagesh in the letter with sheva after the hei is quite common in the Tanakh and has been the subject of many postings in Mesora.  IIRC, in words beginning with ham with sh'va under mem, the majority of nouns have a degesh and the majority of verbs and adjectives do not have a dagesh.



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