[Mesorah] Hallel

Richard rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri May 2 08:13:51 PDT 2014

D&E-H Bannett - 
«The Minchat Shai "corrected" the Tanakh because he notes 
that "if they were both mil'ra' the Radak and other ba'alei 
Mesorah would have mentioned the mil'ra' status of hoshi'a 
just as they do mention the mil'ra' status of hatzlicha. »

Baer apparently felt the same way see his Avodas Yisra'el p. 331

So we have this conundrum of correcting corrections and we seem to go in circles.

We have X which is problematic.
And then Baalei M'sorah EG Michnas Shai et al correct it to X'
Then it gets restored to X. And around and around we go.

Shalom and Best Regards,

"If we cannot end our differences at least we can make the world safe for diversity." ~ John F. Kennedy

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