[Mesorah] L'Sakkein Olam

Richard rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 18:53:56 PDT 2013

I met with my source last night. He is revising an article and I have permission to name him soon.

A few addenda:
1. Ashk'naz mss. from circa 1,000 do have a Quf in l'saqqen.

2. My source is convinced that Kaf is the original  because - since Quf is far more common therefore anyone "mucking about" might have changed the rare Kaf to a more common Quf, but never vice versa.

3. My source says the Mussaf of R"H is about the Messianic vison, and l'saccen olam [Kaf]  is about a new Messianic Era establishing the rulership of Malchus SHD"Y and the restoration of the Miqdash "tif'eres uzzecha".... 

4. A probable illustration of #2 is the Quf found in the Siddur baal hatanya in Tiqqanta Shabbos. Namely the correction matches the likely direction Kaf to Quf
Knowledge is about having the right answer;  Intelligence is about asking the right question. 

Shalom, RRW

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