[Mesorah] V'lokachas Vayeitzei 30:15

R. Rich Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 06:45:01 PDT 2012

Therefore, just because our printed Onkelos has "v'tisvin", it does not
mean that he actually understood the grammatical form as meaning "you will

Kol tuv


I wonder out loud which tradition is older

The infinitive or the 2nd person female?

And if we posit that a mistake crept into the Targum, why not say the same re: the Mesorah?

And that just as X was corrected to Y, Y may have been corrected to X?

Certainly the text itself logically suggests 2nd pers feminine because 99% of the translations are that way anyway - also it fits biblical style to go parallel

"You did A now will you do B too?"  Is more symmetrical than "you did A and To do B too?"

The only issue is the dot in the taf.  Add it in and every shtims.

As far as  Targum "Yonassan" on Humash, did Rashi even see it?   They do agree at times due to common sources EG Midrashim.
Shalom and Regards, RRW

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