[Mesorah] New Shtick

R. Rich Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 15:30:11 PST 2012


«Saying that revision isn't a bad thing doesn't mean there are no other issues on the table. Why are they revising? Is the new actually improved, or just the insertion of a mistake?»

I get it - it kinda reminds me of l'mashall

*I* like food
*You*  overeat
*He's*  a glutton <smile>

Similalry the Nimshal:

*I* restore the text
*You* add questionable changes
*He* introduces corruptions

So which revisions / restorations are good and which are bad?

She'atah vs. Sho'atah
Yisgadeil vs. Yisgadal
Gashem vs. Geshem
Gefen vs. Gofen
Tol vs. Tal
Zecher vs. Zeicher [ashrei]
L'histeif Ba [patach]  vs. B' [sh'va]
La'asos vs. V'laasos [before r'tzoncha in uva l'tziyyn

Vayomer David el Gad vs. Nothing
Yotzros vs. No Yotzros

Akdamus after first passuk
Vs. Before Q'rias Hatorah?
Zecher vs. Zeicher [Zachor]
Sha"tz facing Front vs. Side for Haftarah and Y'qum Purqan

10 days of Teshuvah:
L'eila l'eila vs. L'eila Uleila
Oseh Shalom Bimromov vs. Oseh Hashalom Bimromov
Similarly hasimas Amidah haM'voreich vs. Oseh


How do we decide what to do?

1. Minhag Avos?
2. Follow your local Poseik?
3. Follow your Rosh Yeshivah?
4. Follow Minhag Hamakom?
5 Follow Mishnah Brurah?
6  Follow the Velt?
7. Research it for yourself and then decide?

Shalom and Regards, RRW

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