[Mesorah] New Shtick

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Sun Feb 26 05:12:34 PST 2012

>From RRW [two emails]:
> I attended KAJ/Breuer's last Shabbos.  FWIW I noticed that both the Haftarah and the davening afterward [Y'qum Purqan, etc.] were recited facing forward.
> AFAICT the Torah was held on a bench upon the same elevated platform where the Bimah is.  The one who held the Torah,  was just a few degrees off to the side from being directly behind the Maftir and the Sha"tz. <
As a [one-time] magbiah at KAJ, I don't recall being directed to sit in such a way that I wasn't directly behind the maftir, but my recollection could be wrong. 

Gut Voch/Shavua Tov and all the best from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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