[Mesorah] Ein mafsikin b'massa'os

Elazar M. Teitz remt at juno.com
Sun Jul 31 23:50:54 PDT 2011

     The question of where to stop for sheini when Masei is read alone is because of those who are of the opinion that ein mafsikin b' massa'os.  The only reason of which I am aware for this minhag is because of a connection between the 42 masa'os and the Shen shel mem-beis osiyos, which should not be divided.

     However, Masei only lists 41 masa'os. The 33 p'sukim from 33:5 through 33:37 each contain one massa, starting in Ram'seis and ending in Hor Hahar, and the 8 p'sukim from 33:41 through 33:48 each contain one, from Hor Hahat to Arvos Moav.  I assume that the forty-second was the crossing of the Yardein.  If so, since even reading them in one aliya will not equal 42, why the insistence on it?

     I am not arguing against the minhag; indeed, it is the minhag in our k'hilla (although not in the Gra shul in Sha'arei Chesed, as I discovered this Shabbos). I'm just trying to understand it. 


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