[Mesorah] hishav'a li kayom

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Mon Nov 8 18:42:22 PST 2010

RMH responded:
> Yes, but that doesn't wasn't brought as evidence toward answering my
question, was it? <
I noted how "vayishava [lo]" is treated differently in Seifer B'reishis as evidence for the answer I gave.  "Hishav'a [li]" is likewise treated differently in Seifer B'reishis depending on whether it's graced with a m'shareis (your example) or a mafsiq (beg. of P' Vaychi), but the qamatz is gadol (and the sh'va therefore na') in both cases.  Hope that helps. 

All the best from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Hamm <msh210 at gmail.com>
To: Poppers, Michael; mesorah at lists.aishdas.org <mesorah at lists.aishdas.org>
Sent: Mon Nov 08 11:07:37 2010
Subject: Re: [Mesorah] hishav'a li kayom

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Poppers, Michael
<MPoppers at kayescholer.com> wrote:
> Note that here (in P'Tol'dos) "vayishava [lo]" is mil'ra (no nasog achor because
> of the ta'am mafsiq) while before (in P'Chayei Sarah re Eliezer swearing to
> Avraham), graced with a m'shareis (a munach), it is mil'eil, again presumably
> because of nasog achor.

Yes, but that doesn't wasn't brought as evidence toward answering my
question, was it?

Michael Hamm

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