[Mesorah] two questions

Michael Hamm msh210 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 10:15:15 PDT 2009

In V'zos Hab'racha, the phrase "ur'tzon shochni s'ne" has
mer'cha-tip'cha-esnachta.  But some chumashim (such as R' Aryeh
Kaplan's) and sidurim have tip'cha-munach-esnachta, with the tip'cha
on "ur'tzon".  Are there any authoritative/reliable sources for this?

In Noach, the word "ale-zayis" (8:11) has the following note in the
little m'sora: "6 b'atrophy".  What does this mean, please?

Michael Hamm
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Department of Psychiatry
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, Mo. 63110
msh210 at gmail.com

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