[Mesorah] karva shenas hasheva

D&E-H Bannett dbnet at zahav.net.il
Tue Aug 18 07:26:36 PDT 2009

Just a few add-ons in what I hope might aid in improving the 
accuracy of the posts or, perhaps, to confuse..

The tenua' gdola/ktana was not started by Radak but by his 
father R' Yosef who I usually call on the list as the 
inventor of the ten vowel system.  The expression I usually 
quote to describe the lack of shva na' in earlier writings 
is "shiv'a m'lakhim marpim, the seven vowels make the 
following shva a nach

In the postings, there seems to be some mix-up between korva 
and kirva.  Kirva is nearness. Korva is a tzivui meaning 
come closer as in tehilim 69:19 (and l'kha dodi) - korva el 
nafshi, g'ala.

On korva vs. kar'va, kar'va being the past tense, the usage 
can be seen better with the words more common in Tanakh, 

Tehilim 119:167: sham'ra nafshi edotekha - past tense. 
T'hilim 25:20:Shomra nafshi v'hatzlileni - a request.

And to make it a bit more interesting See Tehilim 86:2 
shomra nafshi ki chasid ani.  Misnagdim who wouldn't 
consider being a chosid a reason for H' to preserve one's 
nefesh can note that the shin has an accent mark which 
Kimchi says makes the kamatz gadol so the word is sham'ra. 
Who, however, is the female who, in the past, preserved the 
chasid's soul?  Perhaps the sh'khina? The misnaged doesn't 
ask why she doesn't continue.

And to really screw things up:  I just noticed that the 
Cohen-Keter CD does not have a meteg in the shin of kar'va 
sh'nat hasheva.  Everyone else does.  Typo? Or, do we want 
the shemita year to come sooner?


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