[Mesorah] reish [was:Chataf Patach]

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Nov 26 13:56:47 PST 2008

On Wed, November 26, 2008 4:11 pm, Noah Witty wrote:
:> The seifer haYetzirah (pereq 4, repeated in every "mishnah" from 1
:> to
:> 6) speaks of sheva kefulos -- bg"d kfr"t. 4:5 makes a point of
:> saying
:> "sheva velo sheish, sheva velo shemoneh, and then begins a series of
:> things that come in sevens (and I presume paralel). 4:1 describes
:> the
:> kefulos as heaving a "tavnis rakh veqasheh, gibor vechalash". So
:> there
:> is a reish

: whoa! raish is not kaful; the /beged-kefet/ are kefulim, n'est-ce pas?

Non seulement ces six. (I don't know French; that's from

I just quoted the Seifer haYetzirah, I didn't give my own opinion.
Whether by Avraham avinu or Rabbi Aqiva or even "just" deVei R' Aqiva,
it's not something I would dismiss without a maqor. The book clearly
states that reish is kaful. It's listed 5 times, "bege"d kapore"t" and
counted out to be 7 kefulot! (mnemonic's vowelization is mine, of

BTW, I erred, there are 14, not 2, reish degushot: Shemu'eil I 1:6,
10:24, 17:25, Melakhim II 6:32, Yirmiyahu 39:12, Yechezqeil 16:4 (x2),
Chavaquq 3:13, Tehillim 52:5, Mishlei 11:21, 14:10, 15:1, Shir
haShirim 5:2, Ezra 9:6.

Someone more knowledgeable than I could check if they behave more like
the dageish is qal or chazaq. Shemu'eil I 1:6 is "harre'imah",
following a hei hayedi'ah. 10:24 is "harre'iseim" with a hei
hashe'eilah, and 17:25 is as well. A pattern?

SheTir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             "Man wants to achieve greatness overnight,
micha at aishdas.org        and he wants to sleep well that night too."
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