[Mesorah] RH a chag?

Michael Hamm msh210 at math.wustl.edu
Wed Oct 10 15:58:35 PDT 2007

> My  Artscroll Rosh Hashana machzor, on the page with "l'shana tova
> tikasev",  says that after the first night it's traditional to say 
> instead "gut yom  tov" or "chag sameach".  Since when is RH a chag?  I 
> thought that referred only to the shalosh r'galim.

R'n TK:
> So?  You don't say Good Yom Tov on Rosh Hashana?

Yes, I do.  I must have been unclear on the what the point of my question 
was, so let me try to clarify.  I knew RH is known as a "yom tov" (and a 
"mikra kodesh"), but didn't know it was known as a "chag".  While I had 
no issue with Artscroll's having said we say "gut yom tov" on RH, I 
wondered about their having said we say "chag sameach".

Michael Hamm
AM, Math, Wash. U. St. Louis
msh210 at math.wustl.edu                Fine print:
http://www.math.wustl.edu/~msh210/ ... legal.html

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