<div dir="ltr"><font size="4" face="tahoma, sans-serif">Reb Micha proposes that not removing a Tallis Gadol which has become Passul<br>is technically not violating a Lav, a negative prohibition, but is <span class="gmail_default" style="font-family:tahoma,sans-serif;font-size:large">passively </span>sidestepping an Asei BeSheiv VeAl TaAseh.<br><br><span class="gmail_default" style="font-family:tahoma,sans-serif;font-size:large"></span>I<span class="gmail_default" style="font-family:tahoma,sans-serif;font-size:large"> wrote,</span> "Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, <span class="gmail_default" style=""></span>w<span class="gmail_default" style="">rites</span> that after Chasimas HaTalmud, we have no power to make binding decrees and he illustrates this with the ruling that one need not undress in a public zone in order to remove ones Tzitzis that have become disqualified - <span class="gmail_default" style="">as Chazal describe it - </span>Human Dignity is so great that it eclipses a Torah Prohibition<span class="gmail_default" style="">. Rabbi BDoron argues that</span> even where there is no issue of disgrace<span class="gmail_default" style=""> to Human Dignity</span> because it is the Tallis Gadol that has become disqualified<span class="gmail_default" style="">, the decree remains in force, one ought not remove the Passul Tallis</span>.<br><br><span class="gmail_default" style="">Although Reb Micha correctly argues that</span> an <span class="gmail_default" style="">I</span>ssur <span class="gmail_default" style=""></span>De<span class="gmail_default" style="">R</span>abbanan can trump an <span class="gmail_default" style=""></span>Asei, like <span class="gmail_default" style="">missing the Mitzvah of </span>shofar<span class="gmail_default" style="">because Chazal decreed not to blow Shofar in order to avoid the risk that some uninformed people may</span> <span class="gmail_default" style="">violate </span>Shabbos<span class="gmail_default" style=""> in order to fulfil the Mitzvah of Shofar; this is not comparable to the case of Tzitzis.</span><br><br>Not hearing Shofar is certainly being passive<span class="gmail_default" style="">. Let's say someone is embarrassed to leave their home and will therefore miss hearing the Shofar, THAT is a Shev VeAl TaAseh. And it can be argued that Chazal permit/encourage this person to not hear Shofar.</span><br><br>On the other hand, walking about, and some would argue, even remaining in the same place<span class="gmail_default" style="">,</span> whilst wearing a garment that HKBH instructs MUST have Tzitzis, is very far from being a Shev VeAl TaAseh<span class="gmail_default" style="">.</span></font><div><font size="4" face="tahoma, sans-serif"><span class="gmail_default" style="font-family:tahoma,sans-serif;font-size:large">Not pressing a button that with inflict an electric shock, is far from being in any way equivalent to leaving one's finger on the button that is activating that electric shock, no?</span><br><span class="gmail_default" style=""></span><br><span class="gmail_default" style="">Leaving one's Tallis Gadol in place</span><span class="gmail_default" style=""> is indeed a far greater show of force</span> than <span class="gmail_default" style=""></span>m<span class="gmail_default" style="">issing TeKias Shofar and Rabbi BDoron's argument is very powerful, we do not posses these days any power to issue halachically binding communal or private decrees</span>.</font>