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The following is from The Institute for Dayanim <br>
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<a href="https://dinonline.org/category/articles/" id="LPNoLPOWALinkPreview">https://dinonline.org/category/articles/</a></div>
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<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="elementToProof ContentPasted0 ContentPasted1 ContentPasted2">
Today, every Jewish bookstore sports a
<div class="ContentPasted2">new genre of Jewish literature – segula</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">collections. While some garner their</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">segulos from reputable sources, others mix</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">in charms and witchcraft. It is important</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">to discern which is authentic and which is</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">not.</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2"><br>
<div class="ContentPasted2">Segulos, or auspicious actions, can be</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">divided into two classes. One includes</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">mitzvos which are known to be helpful</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">for specific things: the mitzva of shiluach</div>
<div class="ContentPasted2">hakein (sending off a mother bird); saying</div>
Amein Yehei Shmei Raba aloud; giving<br>
<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="elementToProof ContentPasted0 ContentPasted1 ContentPasted2 ContentPasted3">
tzedakah; forgiving wrongdoings; concentrating
<div class="ContentPasted3">on Birkas Hamazon, and others.</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">These mitzvos certainly carry eternal</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">reward. Furthermore, Chazal teach us that</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">they carry additional merit here in This</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">World.</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3"><br>
<div class="ContentPasted3">The second class is those segulos that</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">make no sense, nor have any scientific</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">basis. Segulos such as such as wearing a</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">red string, placing salt in shoes, saying Na</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">Nach, not hanging a newborn’s clothing</div>
<div class="ContentPasted3">out to dry at night, ensuring a bride has</div>
something old, something new, something<br>
<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="elementToProof ContentPasted0 ContentPasted1 ContentPasted2 ContentPasted3 ContentPasted4">
borrowed, some-thing blue etc. do
<div class="ContentPasted4">nothing to bring one closer to Hashem.</div>
<div class="ContentPasted4">Following these rules may be classified</div>
<div class="ContentPasted4">as chukot hagoyim or darkei haEmori.</div>
<div class="ContentPasted4">While they may be offered on occasion by</div>
<div class="ContentPasted4">a Talmid Chacham for his own reasons,</div>
<div class="ContentPasted4">dispensing them to the public in book</div>
form is improper.</div>
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Professor Yitzchok Levine<br>
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<div class="_Entity _EType_OWALinkPreview _EId_OWALinkPreview _EReadonly_1"></div>
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<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="elementToProof ContentPasted0 ContentPasted1">