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>From today's OU Halacha Yomis</div>
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<p><strong><strong>Q. Can elective surgery be performed during the Three Weeks?</strong></strong></p>
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<p>A. One should not engage in activities which are potentially dangerous during the entire Three Weeks (Shulchan Aruch 551:18 and Dirshu Mishna Berura ibid. Beurim 126-128). Rav Shmuel Wosner, zt”l and Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky,
<em>zt”l</em> recommended delaying surgery, when possible, until after the Three Weeks because of potential danger (Dirshu MB ibid. 128 in the name of Rav Wosner,
<em>zt”l</em> in Kovetz MiBeis Levi p. 11 and Rav Yaakov, <em>zt”l</em> in Emes L’Yaakov p. 225 he’arah 515), while Rav Moshe Feinstein,
<em>zt”l</em> allowed even elective surgery until <em>Rosh Chodesh Av</em>, but not during the Nine Days when our
<em>mazal</em> is particularly weak (Moadei Yeshurun p. 130:19 and p. 136:43).</p>