<div dir="ltr">The last daf in Makos (24a) states that the Neviim took the 613 mitzvos and reduced them to a smaller set for people to focus on. <div><br><div><div>Michah gave three Mitzvos for people to focus on - "Asos Mishpat..."</div><div><br></div><div>"Asos Mishpat" is monetary laws;</div><div>"Ahavas Chesed" is bestowing Chesed;</div><div>"V'Hatzne'a Leches Im Elokecha" is escorting the dead and bringing a Kalah to Chupah;</div><div><br></div><div>Yeshayah later gave two primary Mitzvos - "Shimru Mishpat va'Asu Tzedakah." </div></div><div><br></div><div>The mitzva of learning Torah which we understand to be the most important and fundamental mitzva does not appear in these lists. How do we explain the omission of learning Torah in these lists? Additionally, these lists seem to consist solely of mitzvos bein adam lachaveiro, are there no mitzvos ben adam lamakom that are important enought to appear on these lists? </div></div></div>