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<p>The is from from Rav Shimon Schwab's essay Chillul Ha Shem that appears in Selected Writings. the entire article may be read at
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/goqh7ol">http://tinyurl.com/goqh7ol</a>
<p>All this comes to mind at this time since some<br>
perpetrators of Chillul Hashem are making the headlines of<br>
our daily newspapers. Certainly we are not sitting in<br>
judgment of the persons who are publicly accused and we<br>
have to wait whether the indictments will be borne out by</p>
<p>irrefutable evidence. However, be it as it may, the Chillul<br>
Hashem is there in the worst possible way. "Rabbi" so and so,<br>
who sits in court with his velvet Yarmulka in full view of a<br>
television audience composed of millions of viewers, is<br>
accused of having ruthlessly enriched himself at the expense<br>
of others, flaunting the laws of G-d and man, exploiting,<br>
conniving and manipulating - in short, desecrating all the<br>
fundamentals of Torah Judaism. And this sorry onslaught on<br>
our Jewish sensitiveness is repeated by similar allegations,<br>
proven or unproven, involving more prominent men who are<br>
stigmatized as orthodox Jews, sometimes even with so-called<br>
rabbinic diplomas.</p>
While it is obvious that the vast majority of loyal and<br>
observant Torah Jews deal honestly and correctly with their<br>
fellow men, a very small minority of criminal perpetrators<br>
suffices to cast sinister aspersions on all orthodox Jews and,<br>
what is worse, on orthodox Judaism as a way of life. The<br>
Chillul Hashem of a few individuals provides excuses for the</p>
<p>doubter, and encourages the desecration of Torah learning,<br>
Torah education and Torah influence. To defraud and<br>
exploit our fellowmen, Jew or gentile, to conspire, to betray<br>
the Government, to associate with underworld elements all<br>
these are hideous crimes by themselves. Yet to the outrage<br>
committed there is added another dimension, namely the<br>
profanation of the Divine Name and that means the<br>
profanation of all that is supposed to be held sacred by us as<br>
well as - in their heart of hearts - by the perpetrators<br>
themselves. What a sorry picture that is.</p>
Suppose I have cheated my neighbor or my Government<br>
and then I stand in the midst of a congregation of honest and<br>
decent men and women to recite the Kaddish which is the<br>
prayer for Kiddush Hashem in the world. What audacity!<br>
What a shame! Can there be a worse contradiction than the<br>
strict Sabbath observer who may also be a stickler for<br>
Kashrus and who at the same time violates the spirit of<br>
Shabbos and Kashrus during the week with non-kosher<br>
money manipulations?</p>
Let us repeat. The profaners and the desecrators are</p>
<p>only a handful of unscrupulous people and we even hope<br>
that some of them will be proved innocent. But it needs only<br>
very few violators to give us all a rotten name, aiding and<br>
abetting our many adversaries and antagonizing our few<br>
Therefore, no white-washing, no condoning, no<br>
apologizing on behalf of the desecrators. Let us make it clear<br>
that anyone who besmirches the sacred Name ceases to be<br>
our friend. He has unwittingly defected from our ranks and<br>
has joined our antagonists, to make us all suffer in his wake.<br>
And - noblesse oblige - the more prominent a man has<br>
become in orthodox Jewish circles the more obligated he<br>
must feel to observe the most painstaking scrupulousness in<br>
his dealings with the outside world.</p>
<p>Note that from the first paragraph it seems that Rav Schwab considers someone who has not as yet been convicted of anything, but who is accused of a crime to be guilty of Chillul HaShem. Apparently he feels that one should conduct oneself in such a manner
that one cannot even be accused of a crime even if the accusation is false. <br>
<p>YL <br>