<div dir="ltr">The gemara BK 16a says that one who does not bend in Modim after 7 years his spine turns into a snake. Given that spines probably don't last 7 years and the cemeteries are not filled with snakes I don't take the gemara literally (see however Tosafot ve-hu and kaf hachaim)<div><br></div><div>I am more disturbed by the claim (Kaf haChaim in the name of the Zohar) that one who doesnt ben at modim does not come back in techiyat hametim. First the gemara in perek chelek implies that most people return in techiyat hametim. Second the popular opinion is that even the wicked spend 11-12 months in gehinom and then go to gan eden and presumably return in techiyat hamettim.</div><div><br></div><div>What bothers me the most is the sense of priorities. Without putting down bending at modim I find it hard to imagine that it is worse than murder, chillul shabbat, gilui arayot etc. According to this zohar large percentages of the Jewish people will not be resurrected over a "minor" halacha.<br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><font color="#000099" face="'comic sans ms', sans-serif">Eli Turkel</font></div></div>