I follow the <i>minhag</i> of not eating <i>matzah</i> beginning <i>Rosh
Chodesh Nissan</i>...<br>
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OU Kosher Halacha Yomis <br>
This column is dedicated in memory of:<br>
Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Reb Dov HaLevy Belsky, zt'l<br>
Senior OU Kosher Halachic Consultant (1987-2016) <br>
<b>Q. I follow the <i>minhag</i> of not eating <i>matzah</i> beginning
<i>Rosh Chodesh Nissan</i>. Am I permitted to eat <i>matzah</i> which is
labeled “Not Kosher for Passover”? <br>
(A Subscriber’s Question)</b> <br><br>
<i>A. Matzos</i> which are labeled “Not Kosher for Passover” are made
without a full-time <i>mashgiach</i> present during production, and the
water used in kneading the dough is not <i>mayim she’lanu</i> (specially
drawn water). Though we would not eat these <i>matzahs</i> on
<i>Pesach</i>, it is not certain that the <i>matzahs</i> are absolute<i>
chametz</i>. <i>Mishnah Berurah</i> 471:12 writes that the <u>Rabbinic
prohibition</u> to not eat <i>matzah</i> on <i>Erev Pesach</i>, applies
even to <i>matzah</i> that has folds or bubbles, since such
<i>matzahs</i> are of questionable status, and they are not absolute
<i>chametz</i>. This would imply that “Not Kosher for Passover” matzahs
may not be eaten <i>Erev Pesach</i>, since these <i>matzahs</i> are also
of questionable status. Nonetheless, Rav Schachter,<i> Shlita,
</i>maintains that the definition of <i>matzah</i> with respect to the
<i><u>minhag</u> </i>(practiced by some) not to eat <i>matzah
</i>beginning <i>Rosh Chodesh </i>is not the same as the definition of
<i>matzah</i> relative to <i>Erev Pesach</i>. <i>Shulchan Aruch</i>
(<i>Y.D.</i> 214:1) writes that a <i>minhag</i> is a form of a vow. Vows
are interpreted in accordance with common usage of language. Since most
people consider “Not Kosher for Passover” <i>matzahs </i>to be
<i>chametz</i>, they may be consumed until <i>Erev Pesach</i>.<br><br>
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