<div dir="ltr">R' Zev Sero wrote:<br>"Any claim that some moral imperative exists that the Torah does not
mention or seem to hold is by definition a contradiction to the Torah."<br><br>It is not so simple. Please see R' Aharon Lichtensteins essay Does Judaism Recognize an Ethic Independent of Halakhah, <a href="http://www.scribd.com/doc/16263866/Does-Judaism-Recognize-an-Ethic-Independent-of-Halakhah-by-Rav-Aharon-Lichtenstein#scribd">http://www.scribd.com/doc/16263866/Does-Judaism-Recognize-an-Ethic-Independent-of-Halakhah-by-Rav-Aharon-Lichtenstein#scribd</a> where he quotes many sources that can be interpreted that way.<br></div>