<p dir="ltr">R' Micha Berger wrote:</p>
<p dir="ltr"><<< The bug in a dark room is something we are in principle capable of seeing, the invisibility isn't a feature of the bug. Similarly, the problem inside the lung is one an eye is capable of seeing, the invisibility isn't an aspect of the deformity itself. In both cases, the cheftzah itself is within the realm of human experience, at least in the right situation. >>></p>
<p dir="ltr">R' Michael Poppers responded:</p>
<p dir="ltr"><<< I am noting the dissimilarity to help you understand that without Superman's vision or an external tool to open a path to it, the inside of a lung is not the same as a visible bug that is only visible under this-worldly lighting conditions. >>></p>
<p dir="ltr">The lungs of a *dead* cow are easily accessible if one has a knife; no super-vision is needed there. It is only the lungs of a *living* cow where one would need super-vision (especially if I need the cow to stay alive for more milk next week).</p>
<p dir="ltr">Hmmm... Do we consider the lungs of a living cow as visible like a large insect, or as nonexistent like beitzei kinim? The nafka mina is the kashrus of that cow's milk. I would *like* to say that the lungs are invisible and inconsequential. But IIRC we can drink the milk because of rov - most lungs are kosher. There is a real possibility that the lungs are treif, and we deal with that possibility in a manner *other* than "lo nitna Torah l'malachei hashareis".</p>
<p dir="ltr">Akiva Miller<br></p>