<div dir="ltr">R' Micha Berger wrote: <<< I was mostly dismissing your mentioning the lack of qinyan sudar. We can make a shaliach without one, for a ha'aramah. >>><br><br>I presume you mean like how I can make the rav my shaliach for mechiras chometz without any kinyan. (In practice we do make a kinyan, but only as a chumrah.) So I don't need a kinyan at pruzbul either, and I can make the beis din a shliach without any kinyan. Okay. But if so, then exactly what is it that I'm making the beis din my shaliach FOR? What are they doing on my behalf?<br><br>If I am making them my shaliach to collect my loans on my behalf, then that sounds like Rav Asher Weiss' explanation. Sure, beis din is patur from lo yigos, but it was a big chidush to me that that's enough to exempt me from being m'shamet a loan that I still own. (But if one wants to go with the Collection Agency idea, then shlichus is irrelevant - beis din would need to own the loan.)<br><br>Akiva Miller</div>