<p dir="ltr">RProf YL wrote about <a href="http://tinyurl.com/kgrh8a2">http://tinyurl.com/kgrh8a2</a></p>
<p dir="ltr">> Upon examination, it seems reasonable to conclude<br>
> that the Ashkenaz kaddish is unique in how it<br>
> expresses and preserves the basic, essential, and<br>
> original theme/idea of the kaddish ? namely<br>
> exalting, elevating and praising the Great Name of <br>
> Hakodosh Boruch Hu<br>
> It does so by maintaining a clear focus on the<br>
> whole point of kaddish ? which is magnifying and<br>
> sanctifying the Great Name of Hakodosh Boruch Hu<br>
> by excluding certain later additions made in<br>
> other nuschaos. Other nuschaos contain<br>
> additional, added components, that were inserted<br>
> over time, for example ones asking for Moshiach<br>
> and/or asking for health, parnassah, etc. As<br>
> important as they are (and nusach Ashkenaz<br>
> incorporates them prominently elsewhere in the<br>
> davening) in nusach Ashkenaz, ...</p>
<p dir="ltr">Arguably, that is a general feature of Nussach Ashkenaz, to keep liturgy simple and focussed. Personally, I find that more beautiful, but there is another way to look at it, which is arguably typical of Nussach Edot ha Mizrach and copied by Nussach Sefard: A prayer is an opportunity not to be wasted, maybe now is an eis ratzon, for that, indeed, for any prayer, formulae and emphatic precision is necessary. Thus, other themes are always mixed in with the main theme (example: addition of marom ve kadosh in the closing paragraph of birkat yotzer or, which is really about G"d's deeds, not His nature, so to speak), and include the formulae tovim, meheira, kadosh, etc.</p>
<p dir="ltr">However, that doesn't make Ashkenaz historically more correct, at least regarding the kaddish. The kaddish itself is a product of historical development that included also additions akin to an Aramaic mi sheberach. What one could say is that Ashkenaz aims for focus, brevity, poetic beauty and focus on the ancient kernel and raison d'etre of liturgical segments, a kind of return to basics.</p>
<p dir="ltr">--<br>
mit freundlichen Grüßen,<br>
with kind regards,<br>
Arie Folger</p>
<p dir="ltr">visit my blog at <a href="http://ariefolger.wordpress.com/">http://ariefolger.wordpress.com/</a><br>
sent from my mobile device</p>