<p dir="ltr">"Kenneth Miller" wrote to clarify the layman's understanding of some comments made by others:</p>
<p dir="ltr">R' Zev Sero wrote:<br>
"A BP is meat (whereas) artificial meat is a sort of fungus ... it would surely be kosher and parev, and have no connection to a BP."</p>
<p dir="ltr">R' Nachum Binyamin Klafter, MD wrote:<br>
"The synthetic meat was never a cow and does not resemble meat in any manner. Synthetic meat looks like white pieces of tofu ...... The meat of a ben paku'ah looks just like veal. But more fundamentally, the sages did not make the gezeira of ben paku'ah on synthetic meat. They made the gezeira on a fetal calf."</p>
<p dir="ltr">It should be noted that there is only a very weak decree that applies to Ben Pekuah. And it does not even apply to all BeNey Pekuah. This is the decree that it requires Shechitah. There is no decree to prohibit Tereifos, there is no decree to prohibit Gid or Cheilev. And if the beast is not Shechted properly, some maintain that it is kosher nonetheless. If we argue that the Ben Pekuah is Parev, there is no indication that our Sages decreed that out should be treated as though it is meaty.<br>