<a href="http://tinyurl.com/cx5ks8m" eudora="autourl">
<font size=3><i>In 1963, a scathing critique of
the Torah and Derekh Eretz movement<br>
founded by R. Samson Raphael Hirsch (d. 1888) appeared in print.
was authored by R. Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler.<br><br>
A letter was sent to Rabbi Shimon Schwab,soliciting his response to<br>
Rabbi Dessler's critique. His response was published anonymously in
<b>Ma'ayan, </b><i>a distinguished Israeli Torah journal, in
</i>Who am 1 to render an opinion regarding </font><font size=1>a
</font><font size=3>matter about which<br>
greater and better rabbinic scholars have yet to reach agreement?
rabbis of the previous generation, indeed the ancestors of Rabbi
who were the founders of the musar movement, R. Israel Salanter [d.<br>
</font><font size=2>1883] </font><font size=3>and his disciple R. Simhah
Zissel [Broida, d. 1897], addressed<br>
this issue. I have heard that their view on these matters came very
to that of R. Samson Raphael Hirsch, but that they were outnumbered<br>
and opposed </font><font size=2>by </font><font size=3>the majority of
[East European] rabbis at the time. It<br>
seems to me that this was always the case historically. The majority
rabbis refused to engage in secular study, lest they be ensnared by it.
the ocher hand, in every generation a minority of Torah sages
in secular study, using </font><font size=1>it </font><font size=3>as a
handmaiden to serve the cause of Torah.<br>
That minority pursued its own path and sanctified God's name<br>
throughout the universe, as is well known. R. Moses Isserles [d.
already wrote in a responsum to R. Solomon Luria [ci. 15741 that it
an ancient debate between the sages.<br><br>
</font>See the above URL for the entire article. YL<br><br>