This morning there was a fellow who davened in the minyan that I daven
who wore two pair of Tefillen (I presume Rashi and Rabeinu Tam.)
simultaneously during the davening. I have seen him do this before
when he is in the US. I am told he lives in EY.<br><br>
In light of (from
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/cxdg7bk" eudora="autourl">
<font size=3>The Shulchan Aruch[15] rules that one is only required to
concern himself with wearing Tefillin according to Rashi's view.
Nevertheless, the Shulchan Aruch recommends that "God fearing
individuals" be sure to wear the Tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam as
well.[16] One who is not known to be especially meticulous in the
performance of mitzvot should not wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin in public,
unless one finds himself in a community where the custom is for all to do
so.[17] <br><br>
[15] Rambam Tefillin 1:1,3:5, O.C. 32:1,34:1 <br>
[16] Tur O.C. 34, O.C. 34:2, Igrot Moshe O.C. 1:13, 4:9<br>
[17] O.C. 34:3 <br><br>
And from
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/c9rb758" eudora="autourl">
</a>It should also be noted that the Taz also states that it is unclear
if the halakhah actually accepts the view that “there is room on the head
to place two tefilin”, and that the Magen Avraham (301:54) writes that in
present times we are not sufficiently expert to know where the two boxes
would fit. (See also Resp. Hit’or’rut Teshuvah, O.C. 12-13). <br><br>
In light of this, is what this person does (in public)