<br clear="all"><div>Some newspapers have reported that the Israeli rabbanut is refraining from appointing women as masgichot because of Tznuit (whatever that means in this context)</div><div><br></div><div>However RMF has 2 lengthy teshuvot YD(2) 44&45 sabout appointing women as a masgiach.</div>
<div>He deals with the issue of the trustworthiness of women since MA (437:8) implies that women are believed in kashrut only in their own home but if they are sent elsewhere they are not believed.</div><div>He also discusses the Rambam that a woman cannot be appointed to a job of "serarah". In the RMF solves both problems and allows a woman to be a masgiach as long as there are no problems of yichud.</div>
<div><br></div><div>It seems it never occurred to RMF that there was a problem of tzniut as he doesnt even raise that issue.</div><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir="ltr"><font color="#000099" face="'comic sans ms', sans-serif">Eli Turkel</font></div>