<div dir="ltr"><span style="color:rgb(34,34,34);font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255)"><<Far be it from me to dispute Rav Soloveitchik. If I saw his words inside, I'd probably respond differently. But I don't see "unworthiness of man" and "lowly beings" as equivalent.</span> >><br>
<br><div class="gmail_quote">There are 70 ways to learn and so different approaches.</div><div class="gmail_quote">Instead of my imprecise explanations, let me quote some phrases from Noraot haRav vol 13, p107</div><div class="gmail_quote">
<br></div><div class="gmail_quote">"In my humble opinion the service on Yom Kippur night revolves around the motif of man as a guilty and worthless creature. Thus the central selicha on Yom Kippur night</div><div class="gmail_quote">
(again he had previously discussed the difference between piyut and selicha) is that of - Ki Hine ke-chomer be-yad ha-yotzer - We are as a formless matter in the hands</div><div class="gmail_quote">of the artisan. This conveys man's complete dependence on G-d his weakness and helplessness. On Yom Kippur night we also recite - Re-eh amidatenu dalim ve-rekim - we also recite</div>
<div class="gmail_quote">selichot of - Umnum ashmotenu rabu - and - ata mavin ta-alumot lev - both of which contain a complete condemnation of man. The piyut - Shomeah Tefila - recited at</div><div class="gmail_quote">the commencement of each selichot sets the tone that man is a worthless being. ... On Yom Kippur night we do not recite any piyutim that describe man's preeminent position.</div>
<div class="gmail_quote"><br></div><div class="gmail_quote">In Neilah we have both morifs</div><div class="gmail_quote">Me anu me chayenu ... ha-lo kol ha-giborim ke-ayin le-fanecha ... u-motar ha-adam min ha-behemah ayin ki ha-kol havel</div>
<div class="gmail_quote">this is one of the most pessimistic statements about the philosophy of man</div><div class="gmail_quote">However we then proclaim</div><div class="gmail_quote">Ata hivdalta enosh me-rosh ve-takirehu la-amod le-fanecha ...</div>
<div class="gmail_quote">So in YK we fluctuate between the two motifs</div><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir="ltr"><font color="#000099" face="'comic sans ms', sans-serif">Eli Turkel</font></div><br>